Memorial Day Parade On Monday And More: Bay Ridge Events May 21-31

Here’s your guide to local events for the next week.  And you can always reference our full events calendar here.

Parades and Festivals


DSC00767Kings County Memorial Day Parade

May 25, 11am
78th Street and Third Avenue to John Paul Jones (Cannonball) Park

First organized in 1867 and held in Bay Ridge since 1992, the Brooklyn Memorial Day Parade is one of the oldest commemorating the service of those that have died serving in the armed forces. The parade will make it’s way south from 78th Street and Third Avenue to Marine Avenue, then east to Fourth Avenue, then south until it reaches John Paul Jones (Cannonball) Park for a 21-gun salute.

DSC01625Fifth Avenue Festival

May 31, Noon to 6pm
Fifth Avenue from 69th to 85th Streets

The annual spring festival on Fifth Avenue, featuring funnel cake, diabetic socks, Maloik cards and more.

Includes the pizza-eating contest at Rocco’s (7818 Fifth Avenue) at 3pm.

DSC01282Bay Ridge Storefront Art Walk

Now through June 28
Various Fifth Avenue locations

The annual Storefront Art Walk (SAW) gives artists the chance to work with merchants to create art that has an aesthetic connection to its surroundings. Storefronts along Fifth Avenue will exhibit these works, offering Bay Ridge residents and visitors a unique opportunity to engage with the visual arts and explore the dialogue between commerce, art, and community.

For details, see our recap from earlier this week.

Film, Music, Theater and Opera

Regina Opera presents Carmen

May 23 and 24, 3pm
Our Lady of Perpetual Help auditorium, 5902 Sixth Avenue

Southern Brooklyn’s local opera company brings Bizet’s hit-tunes tragedy to OLPH. General admission $26, seniors/students $21, teens $5, children under 12 free.

Park Slope Singers Concert

May 30, 3pm
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 7420 Fourth Avenue

Art on the Corner’s month of choral music continues with this concert from this 20-year-old community choir.

Open Mic

The Bay Ridge Poets Society

May 31, 7pm
Owl’s Head Wine Bar, 479 74th Street

The monthly open-mic series welcomes more than just poets: short-story writers, songwriters, whatever.

All photos by Hey Ridge.