![Mixed housing heights in Bay Ridge](http://www.heyridge.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/bayridge-mixedhousing.png)
Proposed zoning changes to Bay Ridge could affect our multifamily residential districts with existing high-density zoning, such as Third Avenue, Fifth Avenue, and the southern portion of Shore Road, below 86th Street. The zoning changes are known as Zoning for Quality and Affordability (ZQA) and are part of Mayor De Blasio’s push to expand affordable housing throughout the city. The plan has been rolled out in small steps, one community board at a time, with revisions made in response to the concerns of individual communities. The department of city planning has agreed to reduce their proposed height requirements in response to concerns expressed our local Community Board 10’s zoning committee.
DCP will present the latest version of its proposed zoning changes that affect Bay Ridge at a meeting of the zoning committee this week. Numerous public meetings dealing with land-use issues in the neighborhood recently have highlighted the tension between keeping housing costs affordable in Bay Ridge and maintaining a low-density, small-town feel. The majority of Bay Ridge Residents are renters living in multifamily buildings, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, but this demographic tends to be younger, more ethnically diverse, less wealthy and less involved in local civic affairs than the single-family homeowners who occupy the majority of the land in the neighborhood—and who wield an outsized influence on public policy.
The zoning committee meeting takes place at the Community Board 10 district office (8119 Fifth Avenue) on Thursday, June 11, at 7pm. Like all community-board meetings, it’s open to the public.
Other items on the Community Board 10 agenda this month:
- Tonight (June 9), the Police and Public Safety committee will review and make recommendations on new on-premise wine, beer, and liquor applications for Chill (with a karaoke component), Go One Sushi, and Campo Bello. This meeting is at the district office.
- Next Monday (June 15), the full board will meet at the Shore Hill Community Room (9000 Shore Road) for the last time before summer break, and will discuss:
- Public Hearing: In the matter of a renewal application for an enclosed sidewalk cafe with 4 tables and 16 seats at Tanoreen Caterers, Inc., 7523 3rd Avenue, DCA License #1360215.
- Police & Public Safety Committee: SLA On Premise Application with a Karaoke Component at Chill Corp., 7810 5th Avenue; SLA Wine/Beer Application for Go One Sushi, Inc., 848 64th Street; SLA Wine/Beer Application for Campo Bello Restaurant 2 Corp., 9128 5th Avenue.
- Traffic & Transportation Committee: Update on status of BQE Construction.
- Environmental Committee: Update on Siphon Project work; Bay Ridge Avenue Beautification Project Update.
- Zoning & Land Use Committee: Zoning for Quality and Affordability Text Amendment – Update on presentation given by DCP at Committee Meeting.
- Budget & Personnel Committee: FY 2015 and FY 2016 Budget update.